Monday, May 10, 2010

Do squirrels burrow underground?

Yes there are ground squirrels, the golden mantled ground squirrel is one. It will seek shelter in a burrow rather than climb when startled. Tree squirrels adapted to shelter in trees.鈥?/a>Do squirrels burrow underground?
Certain species of squirrels do burrow underground. I've trapped three in my barn this year. They are called ground squirrels here in western Colorado. We also have tree squirrels that dig holes to bury nuts but I've never seen one emerge from a ';burrow';.Do squirrels burrow underground?
Some species do dig and live in burrows, but the animals most often thought of as squirrels, Grey squirrels, Red squirrels, and Flying squirrels, do not dig tunnels. They live in hollows in trees, or nests made of twigs and leaves.

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