Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why don't squirrels get electrocuted when they're on power lines?

whyyyyyyy?Why don't squirrels get electrocuted when they're on power lines?
Squirrels aren't electrocuted because there needs to be a voltage difference between the the points that the squirrel is touching for electricity to pass through it. There is no such difference on a single wire, and most other places a squirrel touches up there are insulated, so electricity wont pass through those places either. If the squirrel were to walk on both power lines and phone lines at the same time, and if they were both exposed (uninsulated wires), the electricity would pass through the squirrel as the phone line voltage will be much less than the power line voltage. This is why phone lines are distanced from the power lines, to help save the squirrels! That is, amongst other reasons of course.


There are many areas where low voltage lines are strung on utility poles along with the high voltage power lines. Cable and telephone lines will usually both be strung on overhead lines whenever possible because they are less expensive then burying lines as well as more convenient to service. There are also a few situations where overhead power lines are insulated, such as when the line must come to the building near a balcony (in places where building codes will permit this). Otherwise, overhead power lines are almost exclusively exposed. Other low voltage line will be insulated though, since these are for communications purposes and insulation and shielding will reduce the interference from other lines, providing a higher quality of service.Why don't squirrels get electrocuted when they're on power lines?
The squirrels don't get electrocuted because they do not complete any electric circuit. If they were touching two wires at the same time, or a wire and the ground, they would be fried. Electricity need a place to go and a way to get there. If the squirrel touches two wires or a wire and the ground, the electricity now has a place to go and will travel through the squirrel to get there, and fry the squirrel.
if they r sitting with their both legs on the same power line, there's no potential difference between the 2 legs.

if a squirrel is sitting with one leg on one line and other on another line which is at a different potential, then, there will be voltage diff. between the 2 legs and high current flows. only then, they can get electrocuted.

same with birds, humans, everything..
Because they are in a ';faradays cage';(look it up),they have no potential to ground, so they stay at the same potential as the live wire...(if they touch between two phases there will be a step potential so they get shocked then but other then that they are quite safe)
You have to complete a circuit, if the squirrels legs were really long, and if it touched the other wire, you would have roasted squirrel, and you could catch it when it exploded from creating a short circuit.

Yes you do need a neutral and a hot wire
because when they are born docs catch them and give them a shot that lets them to be immune to electricity.

lol jk that is what my sister actually told me when i was little.

but no its cuz they aren't in contact with the ground. electricity always wants to go to the ground or something like that.
They're not grounded. If you sat on a power line, you wouldn't get electrocuted either. Now if you flew a kite, and IT hit the power line, you'd be on the ground (grounded) and zapped. And yea, the coating :)
Most of the low voltage lines you see the squirrels on are insulated.

If they do get up to the high tension lines, they're still OK until

they bridge a gap between one line and another or ground.

Then it's crispy critter time.
cause they are not touching the ground. That is the only way that you will get electricuted! which is why u see birds sittin on the telephone wires...

And another reason u have to stay AWAY from down power lines!
Theyll only get eletrocuted if they are touching two wires. If they are only touching one theyll be fine, except i dont recommend you go out and do the same haha.
Same as birds. Only one current is passing through them. You need at least two currents to electrocute them. (I think)
theyre not grounded
there has to be a ground source for the electricity
it's because the wires are inside a rubber covering. Also why when it rains the electricity doesn't go crazy.
powerlines have protective coating over them (that black stuff) even if it was raining they wouldnt get eletricuted

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