Friday, May 14, 2010

Why do squirrels have bushy tails?

Excellent question! Not all squirrels do have bushy tails, but most of those that do use them for balance as they leap and climb. Think of the fellow on the high wire using an umbrella, it's the same sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. Their tail serves multiple purposes. Wind break, balance, a nonverbal communication device to other squirrels(tail flicking,) They have a blood valve at the base of the tail that keeps blood in the main part of the body in winter while in summer it allows blood to flow through the tail so that a breeze blowing through the hair of the tail will help cool the blood. And, lastly the tail will act as a drag chute when they fall out of a tree to slow their descent to minimize injury on contact with the ground. W.Sells
