Friday, May 14, 2010

Are the squirrels peeved that the FBI is investigating their nuts?

yes, why do you think squirrels are always hiding their nuts?Are the squirrels peeved that the FBI is investigating their nuts?
No, the squirrels are happy that the Feds are finally paying attention to their nuts... the Rebel Squirrel Faction, or the R.S.F., has been acting out for years, hoarding their Nuts in a secret bunker under Telegraph Hill, in San Francisco, CA. They won't be happy that I have exposed them, but i know in the End they will thank me. The Elves in that region have become so concerned that We, The Keepers, have been called in to negotiate the situation. As of yesterday, October 16th, the Elven Faction of Ontario, (Mechu), is still unwilling to comply to the demands of the United Federation of Being... We are Wizards...We know the Way....right? What was the question again?Are the squirrels peeved that the FBI is investigating their nuts?
To B.Y.O.B.,

That was *supposed* to be a secret! Now I have been requested, by the Ontario faction, to go out and buy all the nut liqueurs that I can find at the LCBO. Do you have any idea what that will do to our nut hoarding budget?
???????? I don't think the FBI likes nuts ??????? Well ur question didn't make sense either!!!!

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