Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Riddle: How are spoken words and folk songs like squirrels, rats, pigeons and barn swallows?

They are ';wild';! not domesticated as the lecturer is saying!

But that's a very highly intellectual riddle?Riddle: How are spoken words and folk songs like squirrels, rats, pigeons and barn swallows?
no clueRiddle: How are spoken words and folk songs like squirrels, rats, pigeons and barn swallows?
they all have tails/tales?
i honestly have no friggen idea.

could soemone email me the answer plzz.
I don't know, and if you have to watch a video to recieve the riddle, the riddle must not be good.
They're useless.
swabbles in nonsense noise only animals could understand.
They all taste good if marinaded properly.
i could of had 10 pts. by now thinks to you i only have 2!!! and for listening to that clip i am going to have to do another post on your page for making me listen to the clip .

hey there's a riddle how many pts. can you get for listening to that stupid clip?

let's find out

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